In Person Classes @ Moovement House

MONDAY 10:00am Gentle Yoga (75 minutes)
TUESDAY 7:00am Gentle Yoga (75 minutes)

3250 E. 6th Ave., Denver, CO 80206*
*We will meet and practice in the annex building on the north side of 6th Avenue United Church. Park on Adams St. then follow the path across the lawn to the east side entrance.

Online Zoom Classes

WEDNESDAY 10:00am Gentle Yoga (75 minutes)

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 596 418 8321 Password: yoga

Online Recorded Classes

Please Register For Access to Recorded Classes.

Click here to access the classes.

Yoga in Crestmoor Park

Directions: From Monaco, turn onto E Cedar Ave. then immediately turn right (north) onto S Locust St. Park near the Tennis Courts. Walk North, past where the street “dead-ends”, towards the picnic area and beautiful tall trees. We meet and practice under the trees.

Location: 169 S Locust St #147, Denver, CO 80224